Просмотр полной версии : The analysis of a blood on an infection has shown: Cytomegalovirus M 0, 2 otr it is less 0...

11.08.2004, 12:23
The analysis of a blood on an infection has shown:
M 0, 2 otr it is less 0, 5
G 233 (IU ml) otr 15
What does it mean illness or disease in a stage of remission or activly painful oshchushchuny is not present but allocation purulent (according to the gynecologist)
If not difficultly Alla Mihajlovna respond. Thanks

Pasenjuk A.M.
12.08.2004, 18:00
Elena, by birth an infection in a stage incomplete remissi (almost - has almost stopped). Purulent vydeleni is not an attribute of an inflammation iz-for a virus - it is necessary to search for something the accompanying m ikrobnoe (often - uslovnopatogennoe type of a staphilococcus and tp). I would recommend in that case crop or at least a cytology soskoba endometrija