Просмотр полной версии : I am pregnant, 24 weeks. On US to me have told or said, that the cord or navel is wound around she...

The anonym
11.08.2004, 08:34
I am pregnant, 24 weeks. On US to me have told or said, that the cord or navel is wound around of a neck of the child that there was no oxygen starvation, it is necessary for me to pass or take place a course: meteonin 1 3 times a day in techen 3 weeks, Ascorutinum 1 z once a day in techen 3 weeks and omega-3 during meal in current of 1 month 1 2 in day. Whether these tablets are necessary all? Probably, in it or this there is no necessity an ooze there is a necessity for other methods?

Malanova T.B.
12.08.2004, 17:35
In 24 weeks to speak about an encirclement a cord or navel around of a neck still early. Even if there is an encirclement it not hard, therefore while about any hypoxia speech does not go. However the appointed or nominated treatment to you will not damage or injure;hurt.