Просмотр полной версии : In the general or common smear the raised or increased maintenance or contents of the leucocytes (20 30), any infections n...

08.08.2004, 20:01
In the general or common smear the raised or increased maintenance or contents of the leucocytes (20 30), no infections are present. The expanded smear did or made two years ago during pregnancy - all was pure or clean. The doctor in ZHK without purpose or appointment of additional analyses has registered Makmiror (suppositories and a cream) me and the spouse for 8 days. Prompt, whether it is necessary to hand over again the expanded smear on an infection or it is possible to use at once Makmirorom?

Malanova T.B.
12.08.2004, 16:58
Lena, I do not think, that my correspondence opinion can be for you solving. It is better to follow to advice or council of the doctor. Which saw you on an armchair and saw smears.