Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. I am am pursued simply with a thrush. Almost every month nachi...

12.08.2004, 13:36
Good afternoon. I am am pursued simply with a thrush. Almost every month nachinaetsja one week prior to monthly approximately. Local treatment helps or assists, but in a month all nachinaetsja on new. Last time the doctor has appointed or nominated numerous analyses and has not found out a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma and a gonorrhea. But there was that that another, I shall try as it is possible to translate or transfer from French more precisely:
The cytologic analysis - is a lot of epitealnyh cells, a lot of leucocytes
The bacteriological analysis (painting Grama) - set baktsil Doederlein
Help or Assist to decipher please the analysis, whether it and why I am am pursued with this unpleasant disease is dangerous. In advance thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
12.08.2004, 15:23
Hello, Tanja! Mozhestvo rods Doderlejna (Doederlein) is very well! They make a normal habitat of a vagina, provide its or his protection. I think, that in your case it is necessary to find out the exact nature of disturbance of immunity. Hand over the analysis of a blood on Saccharum, check up the immune status of an organism. Antimicotic treatment combine with vitamins, immunomoduljatorami, then follow a policy of candles with lactic bacteria.