Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! After fourth attempt EKO-HGCH 8, 7. The doctor has named it...

09.08.2004, 20:58
Hello the doctor! After fourth attempt EKO-HGCH 8, 7. The doctor has named it biochemical pregnancy. What does it mean? To me already 36. On the report from 10 cells became normal to share only 3 (after IKSI). That posovetuete-sur. Mum or DJA or to try or taste most.
And more a question: support has cancelled 4 days ago (utrozhestan - 6 tab. and estrofen-2 tabl/day). The stomach or belly pulls waves and the breast does not hurt, but is increased.
When after a cancelling of support should come monthly? Thanks

Kamenetskij B.A.
12.08.2004, 10:55
About biochemical pregnancy speak in the event that at absence poodderzhivajushchej therapies by preparations HG about a blood it is defined or determined HGCH in insignificant credits. In absentia, not knowing details of the spent treatment, I cannot give you advice or council. Monthly usually come in 3 4 days after a cancelling of preparations of Progesteronum.