Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, yesterday at me was nezashcheshchyonnaja affinity with my young...

03.08.2004, 15:01
Tell or Say, please, yesterday at me was nezashcheshchyonnaja affinity with my young man though at me were monthly. We had an interrupted sexual certificate or act, but vsyo-taki there is a probability of what I zaberemenneju?:-)

05.08.2004, 18:11
The probability is very small, but if very much experience also pregnancy for you will be tragedy drink tablet postinora. But it is certainly harmful. And so - wait. But I think, that that's all right.

06.08.2004, 11:55
In monthly at a stable cycle to become pregnant it is really problematic. And on bill postinora so this preparation causes monthly and if they in you now that to what it? Besides he operates or works during neskolki hours after p/the certificate or act, and now most likely already any influence will not render. I would not become volnovatsja-probability scanty and if wish to become pregnant it is better with 10 15 from the beginning monthly "to work" on it or this:-)

08.08.2004, 23:32
And if I have added nothing for a week - two about what it speaks? (24 ned.)

12.08.2004, 09:37
Excuse, I not there have clicked. My report should be below.