Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! To me of 19 years. I accept OK "Logest". So it has turned out, that on 13...

11.08.2004, 23:06
Zdrastvujte! To me of 19 years.
I accept OK "Logest". So it has turned out, that on 13 14 j day after the beginning of the next menses I have passed or missed one tablet of a contraceptive. General or common time in which current I did not use "Logest" has made 40 hours (usual norm or rate in 24 hours, t. e. Every day). Thus, I "was late" at 16 o'clock, and have drunk 2 tableki instead of 1 j. Now I continue to accept "Logest". Whether the probability of is great what I shall become pregnant???

12.08.2004, 06:01
And more... Last sexual contact at me was just before I have drunk a tablet and then there was "break" at 40 o'clock.