
Просмотр полной версии : Whether prompt, please, there is an opportunity of occurrence beremennost...

10.08.2004, 14:01
Whether prompt, please, there is an opportunity of occurrence of pregnancy without the direct sexual certificate or act? And at what stage of development of pregnancy abortion is possible or probable at the minimal threat for an organism and detorozhdaemosti?

The anonym
11.08.2004, 05:44
Not absolutely clearly, that such not the direct sexual certificate or act.? If it is meant interrupted any probability of pregnancy is. Make the test. And abortion do or make till 12 weeks, the earlier, the better. And there will be consequences or not you learn or find out, when want to give birth to the desired child.

12.08.2004, 00:54
Certainly, exists. My schoolmate has become pregnant, being still the virgin - spermatozoons have got and through shorts, and through plevu (it they with the future husband so had a good time). In the literature cases when the girl used a towel of the man are mentioned and became pregnant after that. The interrupted certificate or act gives a guarantee 50 on 50. Here if you mean proctal or anal or oral sex to become pregnant it is impossible. And abortion never passes or takes place absolutely without consequences.