Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, the doctor! Tell or Say please what attributes at a cancer of ovaries? ..

09.08.2004, 11:29
Good afternoon, the doctor!
Tell or Say please what attributes at a cancer of ovaries?
And more: whether the ovary after very sharp sex can ache? So what painfully to have a seat and go. The pain gives to a breech. In advance thanks.

Savchenko A.A.
10.08.2004, 05:09
Signs a cancer of ovaries nespetsifichny. At an early stage this presence of education in the field of appendages of a uterus. In the started case: ushchushchenija overflow in a stomach or belly, augmentations of a stomach or belly in volume, a nausea, constipations or diarrheas, abdominal pains, etc. it is possible or probable as a result of "sharp" sex you have was traumatized. Address on reception.

11.08.2004, 20:25
Thanks for the answer!!