Просмотр полной версии : All greetings! At me pregnancy for approximately 4 5 weeks. Yesterday has made...

02.08.2004, 04:30
All greetings! At me pregnancy for approximately 4 5 weeks. Yesterday has made US, there me have congratulated, have told or said, that the fetal egg is revealed, but in couple of weeks it is necessary to make repeated US, t. To. The egg can cease to develop. Now I experience. Can, somebody knows, what the probability of that, what is it can occur or happen? We with the husband so longly tried... I simply shall not go through it or this.

05.08.2004, 04:05
Glavnoe-calmness, probability it is not so great, but she is (much depends on for what reason pregnancy did not come earlier) have a rest, walk, well eat, relax or be relaxed, adjust or set up itself positively and all will be good:)

08.08.2004, 11:26
It is correctly told or said. The main thing - reject from itself any negative ideas and believe in the best. Conduct a habitual way of life unless try to not overtire. Success.

10.08.2004, 22:52
Any of us can, having left the house to stumble and smear brains on asphalt. So, now from the house to not leave? Above a nose!.

11.08.2004, 20:21
I had a same history - I simply next day have gone to other expert who has been very surprised by that its or his colleague "has not considered" or examined" embrionchik. All will be good.