Просмотр полной версии : Prompt pozhaljusta, at me a following problem: my husband in the past upotreb...

10.08.2004, 09:50
Prompt pozhaljusta, at me a following problem: my husband in the past used heroin (3 months), then has recovered, but after a while has started to drink the tablets containing Codeinum. Used their year. If to you something skaazhet the name, that it - terpinkod. Now he is again treated. He wants the child. Prompt, as its or his dependence will affect or influence the future child, what is the time should pass or take place, for full purification or ablution of its or his semen. Thankful in advance for the answer.
Yes, whether you could not to me podskazat there can be problems at me a rhesus faktorr - negative, at it or him positive, I did not give birth or travail, did not do or make abortions.
Once again thanks.

Kuznetsova E.A.
11.08.2004, 17:13
For the first pregnancy rezus-the conflict, as a rule, does not threaten. And conception is better for planning in half a year after your partner has ceased rpinimat narcotics. It is desirable, that he also accepted polyvitaminic preparations (Acidum folicum).