Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Whether and the truth that the sewn up women at ITSN since 6 or 7 mes...

10.08.2004, 19:23
Hello. Whether and the truth that the sewn up women at ITSN since 6 or 7 months celebrate need in a vessel? At me ITSN (5 months of pregnancy, the truth I on the most part lay but to a toilet I go independently). My friend gave birth or travailled 40 years ago at ITSN (it or her have put on or allocate a ring) so she laid and celebrated need in a vessel. I while go sometimes. Thanks in advance very much I worry in this occasion.

Pasenjuk A.M.
11.08.2004, 08:59
No, not the truth. If the seam in a good status, is not present vyrazhenno jugrozy it is possible to go to a toilet.