Просмотр полной версии : At me the second pregnancy. The first has ended with cesarean section (vertikal...

08.08.2004, 16:23
At me the second pregnancy. The first has ended with cesarean section (a vertical seam) in occasion of premature amotio or detachment of normally located placenta on term of 36 37 weeks. The child was born healthy weight 3.720, body height 53 see Now the second pregnancy, term of 27 28 weeks, the placenta is attached to a forward wall of a uterus, 1 degree, thickness 25. Doctors speak, that a high probability of a premature placental detachment and premature birth or births. Tell or say, please, what chances at me to reach even 37 38 weeks. Advise, as to me to be, and I very much experience that for my child. In advance I thank for the answer.

Ryazanov And.
09.08.2004, 07:53
Nastja, do not torment itself. Calm down. On these data at all of you by way of.

10.08.2004, 06:32
Dear Ryazanov, thanks you big for the answer.
But tell or say to me still pozhalusta, what for to me have appointed or nominated to accept AKTOVEGIN.

Ryazanov And.
11.08.2004, 01:34
At you the placenta has started to ripen a little before term that can negatively affect or negatively have an effect on razvitiii a fetus. Aktovegin strengthens a circulation in the field of a small basin, and also in arms or hand, in a uterus and in an organism of the child. But all this is quite curable also your excitement renders greater harm, than ageing of a placenta.