Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To me 44 years, were safe 2 sorts or labors, 4 abortions, hr....

10.08.2004, 07:34
The dear doctor!
To me 44 years, were safe 2 sorts or labors, 4 abortions, hr. pravostor. An adnexitis.
I am am excruciated with ovulatory pains of the middle of a cycle.
Sex life irregular.
Advise how to get rid of pains.

Soboleva L.I.
11.08.2004, 00:39
Hello, Natalia! In your case there is a sense to accept nonsteroid antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory preparations, such, as Indomethacinum, Ibufrofenum.