Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Whether it is possible to become pregnant with such parameters of a semen; Volume...

Vadim, 29
06.08.2004, 17:38
The dear doctor! Whether it is possible to become pregnant with such parameters of a semen; Volume 3 ml, time of a colliquation 30, quantity or amount spermatazoidov in 1 ml - 21* 10 in 6 j degrees, kol-in an ejaculate 63 * 10 in 6 j, % activly mobile - 26 %, A-14 %, V-12 %, weakly mobile - 19 %, motionless - 55 %, cells of a spermatogenesis of 5 %, pathological forms of 33 %. Except for it or this Prolactinum 272, 59 in ml, Testosteron-Depotum 5, 92 in l. I shall be grateful for the help.

Kuharkin S.A.
10.08.2004, 16:54
There are changes in spermogramme, from the resulted or brought data formally norm or rate on concentration (but at the bottom level) and is broken or disturbed mobility. Absolutely there are no data about spermoplazmennyh factors (or you have not written them). I would recommend peresdat spermogrammu on the CART to standards, to make US + doppler scrotums. Dopolintelno if there is spermoplamzennye disturbances that US of a prostate and seed or spermatic blisters or blebs doi after an ejaculation. On same spermogramme it is possible to tell or say, that the probability of conception is sharply lowered, but the situation is not excluded also at pravlinoj to diagnostics is optimistical for restoration. Hormones any more do not hand over - in data sluae they have no value or meaning;importance.