Просмотр полной версии : Hello, prompt, what contraceptives can be used after perv...

06.08.2004, 22:16
Hello, prompt, what contraceptives can be used after the first sexual certificate or act (if there is no desire to use condoms)?

08.08.2004, 00:45
How hormonal contraceptives influence an organism?

09.08.2004, 02:23
Is the best way to do "klizma." Itis a very old and very good things. Spasibo za vopros.

10.08.2004, 10:53
Anna, I ask you do not listen doctora and at all do not do or make it or this! Vo-the first, will give a way of an infection, and vo-the second - "will push" those most likely while the uterus will be not glad to see whom:-))

Have a drink hormonal tablets, or use farmateks if not in the middle of a cycle. P. S. Look archive "contraception"

10.08.2004, 13:13
absolutno soglasna s Tatyanoi - nikakih "klizm" Vu mozete zaberemenet ochen legko v pervuy ze ras. Protivozachatochnuye tabletki ili ukolu, ili preservativu (luchse vsego). Mozno ispolzovat fiziologicheskii kalendar (zavisit ot dlinu cikla). Ne nadeites na sprinzevaniya - zashitit tolko 20 30 %, ne bolshe.