Просмотр полной версии : Hello, To me did or made cauterization of small erosion Solkovaginom. Further...

04.08.2004, 09:16
To me did or made cauterization of small erosion Solkovaginom. Further there was a monthly course vaginalnyh candles with Methyluracilum and laktobakterinom, and also perroralno a tablet for restoration of a microflora. Whether tell or say, please, there should be a speck of more dark color on shejke uteruses or it is necessary to consider or count any discoloration not cured erosion?

To me the doctor has told or said, that cicatrixes from Sokovagina does not remain, but color will be on a place of cauterization not such as on other tissues of a surface shejki uteruses.

It is essentially important, as I now in other country and do not know how to explain to the local gynecologist why " color not that ":) Here about Sokovagine have not heard, and I have not found the international analogues in the Internet.

05.08.2004, 16:33
Cytology before cauterization did or made.

Prompt please foreign analogue of a preparation which would be similar on Solkovagin.

07.08.2004, 17:52
In that that want, let lekarishka if he the doctor himself searches for the information, what for it is necessary to you, is its or his direct medical duty to compare with different cases. That that means tsmitologiju delali-results what, a pancake. Usually color not that, vsledstvii consequences of a hemorrhage when gemoglobinju by various transformations paints over a breaking up pigment as a result mucous. And solkovagin causes necrotic changes in a place prizhganija, well and ootvestvenno not without microhemorrhages.

10.08.2004, 12:06
Thanks. If the cytology was made and after prizhgli, probably with normal analyses as solkovagin it is counter-indicative at the return.
About color, clearly. I shall necessarily consider.

About let doctor himself searches - is not present. I not given birth or not travailled. Better I in the Internet naroju information for the beginning that to me the life the future not zaporoli as it is rare, but happens. I and about Solkovagin-through the Internet have learned or have found out that, and whether it is not enough as the destiny would turn, suddenly to me nitrogen any prizhgli, what I then would do or make?