Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me 22 years. During 2 h years after sorts or labors stood Naval Forces and all...

09.08.2004, 10:08
Hello. To me 22 years. During 2 h years after sorts or labors stood Naval Forces and all was good, but there was a undesirable pregnancy and now I have decided to use oral contraception. The doctor to me has advised Nordette, but after 2 h week reception at me strong stethalgias have begun, has started to add in weight, the head constantly hurts. Advise, what OK is better for accepting. I shall be very grateful.

Shishkanova O.L.
10.08.2004, 07:10
Concrete OK in absentia I can not tell or say. Probably these signs will pass or take place (3 months adaptation to a preparation). If is not present, change with a preparation with other combination of hormones.