Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! I Am afraid to go to the doctor, and suddenly something will find very much sere...

06.08.2004, 17:40
Hello the doctor! I Am afraid to go to the doctor, and suddenly something will find very serious. I understand, that it is impossible to tighten or delay and it is necessary to be more judicious. In the beginning has decided to address to you for advice or council. At me is white allocation, also there is a unpleasant smell in the evening. Should notice, that I am quite clean. Whether it is possible to define or determine presence of chlamydias or other disease on such signs? Very much obespokoina. Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
07.08.2004, 01:27
More likely if you have a unpleasant smell, it is possible to speak about bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoze, but all should be specified on smears. First it is necessary to make banal smears on flora, then to look, whether other, more expensive researches are necessary. No trouble in similar research is not present.

10.08.2004, 07:06
Hello, the doctor. One and a half year ago has given birth to the child, cesarean section. Has become pregnant itself though there was a suspicion on a polycystosis of ovaries. The question has remained opened or open, till now I do not know, there is he or not. Bilateral solderings. Erosion shejki uteruses. During pregnancy did or made analyses on an infection. A clamidiosis, a ureaplasmosis, vaginoz. A constant thrush till now. During pregnancy treated their antibiotics. But has not cured, it is simply assured of it or this. After sorts or labors nothing treated, there was no material opportunity. A thrush suppressed or stopped Clotrimazolum. Now during affinity with the husband a pain, unpleasant sensations natiranija. Besides a periodic thrush. Now there is a material opportunity, but katastraficheski there is no time. Prompt, please, than it is possible to cure infections.