Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! At me an amenorrhea about 3 years. Monthly happen, but it is rare, r...

06.08.2004, 04:50
At me an amenorrhea about 3 years. Monthly happen, but it is rare, time in 3 months. Passed or took place course of treatment by hormonal tablets "Trisekvens". Has now stopped, I accept gomeopatiju-"Remens". Monthly were not restored. How to me to be?

Malanova T.B.
07.08.2004, 02:09
If the m enstruatsii happen time in 3 months is any more an amenorrhea, and dysfunction of ovaries. It is necessary to be surveyed and reveal the reason of dysfunction. Only after that to select treatment.

10.08.2004, 06:09
When I have gone on uzi the doctor have revealed nothing. Just at me should begin monthly (though before them I was not long also did not drink any tablets) iuzi has shown, that all in norm or rate. Monthly really were, it was in December, and steh pores were not