Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Please comment zakjuchenie after spent an opera...

08.08.2004, 21:54
Hello! Please comment zakjuchenie after the spent operation and give the reference on the further treatment. To me 30 years of children are not present. 21.06.02 have made a laparoscopy. Zakljuchenie-Adherent or Adhesive prtsess in a small basin of 2 3 degrees, an external genital endometriosis 2 3 items Uterine pipes in solderings, right it is passed or is taken place;is passable with difficulty, osumkovannaja a cavity. At the left the uterine pipe is impassable in intramuralnom a department. It has been spent: separation of solderings. Salpingoovariolizis. Fimbrioplastika. SHprej coagulation of the centers of an endometriosis on a peritoneum. A lavage of an abdominal cavity solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics. Tuboskopija-skladchatost a mucosa of both uterine pipes by places it is saved. A hyperplasia endometrija. A polyp endometrija in the left uterine angle. A diagnostic currettage of a cavity of the uterus. Soskob endometrija - mucous a body of the womb of non-uniform thickness with a focal hyperplasia, fibro - a cystic polyp endometrija. After carrying out it is appointed or nominated depo-dekapeptil 6. In November last sixth nyxis will be made. And what further? In advance I thank for the answer. Yours faithfully - Marina.

Kamenetskij B.A.
10.08.2004, 02:03
And further only EKO, and it is better if you will begin stimulation of an ovulation on a background of last injection dekapeptila. Yours faithfully
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
In occasion of carrying out of procedure EKO you can address for the detailed information in the Center on bodies (812 3282251 or 3289822 (by the way at the link to the information received in the Internet, primary consultation will be free-of-charge)