Просмотр полной версии : In my family on a line of the father hereditary disease - a polycystosis of kidneys...

07.08.2004, 20:33
In my family on a line of the father hereditary disease - a polycystosis of kidneys. My father, its or his brother, its or his mother, the sister has died of it or him, the son of the brother and the daughter of the sister (my cousin brother and the sister) is sick. On a line of my mother and my husband of hereditary diseases there is no also to me this illness or disease was not passed. Whether there is a probability, what is it disease was by right of succession passed my son (to him 1, 8) and whether it is possible to reveal it or him at such age?

Talanova E.J.
09.08.2004, 06:05
Dear Irina!
By the resulted or brought fragment of a family tree it is possible to assume with the big share of probability, that your relatives suffered from the form of a polycystosis of the kidneys, caused by a dominant or prepotent autosomal gene. In this case till your birth probability of that you (the same as and in case of your sisters or brothers if they at you are - you have not written, unfortunately) receive this gene, was estimated or appreciated in 50 % (as you have written, that a similar pathology was not traced in genealogical your mother). If all this so you, most likely, are not the carrier or bearer of the given genetic pathology, and your children, most likely, will not suffer from the given disease. However, there are also other forms of this disease inherited retsessivno. Besides I do not have near at hand data about completeness of display (penetrance) of the given gene and ekspressivnosti (expression) of a pathology. Just in case (whereas a fragment of a family tree which you have resulted or brought, is insignificant) I would recommend you to address for internal consultation to spetsialistu-genetics.