Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, Boris Aleksandrovich! On Sunday there was a puncture, from 9 oplodotv...

The anonym
05.08.2004, 04:43
Good afternoon, Boris Aleksandrovich! On Sunday there was a puncture, from 9 was impregnated 7. And I by the moment of a puncture up to the extremity or end have not recovered. During stimulation was ill, snachalo a throat and a rhinitis, and then cold has left downwards and tussis has begun. The temperature was 2 days and I accepted paratsetomol, then the temperature was not, only delicacy and tussis. Called a doctor, she has told or said, that ORZ. Today called in clinic, from 7 sections 5 deljatsja it is normal. The question at me in the following, whether could affect or influence a virus quality of sections, and what deljatsja and give the God prizhivutsja, whether will be in the further any patalogii iz-for colds. Izvenite, that is chaotic, but in the Internet anywhere has not found the information on that as cold influences on EKO. In advance thanks

06.08.2004, 08:12
The puncture was not on Sunday, and on medium. It since Sunday at me is not present temperature

Kamenetskij B.A.
09.08.2004, 04:49
I think, what is it the status will not affect or influence an outcome of procedure.