Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Borisovna! To my girlfriend of 40 years. She 20 years married - de...

06.08.2004, 02:40
Dear Tatyana Borisovna!
To my girlfriend of 40 years. She married - children is not present 20 years. Now at it or her problems on ginekologii-as at it or her are not present an opportunity to leave in an Internet, I shall try to state briefly (if it will turn out) a short of its or her problem. Thankful in advance if who will respond. Or it is possible or probable, who will advise, as to her to act further. At it or her a hysteromyoma here some years - the sizes of 5 6 weeks. In nachele it or this when at it or her was krovotechenie-it or her have directed in Sklif-have made cleaning (" a currettage mucous a body of the womb, have made soskob). After operation have given a direction in consultation on continuation of treatment. She could not get at once to the doctor and in two weeks at it or her the bleeding has again begun. Ona-in Sklif. To Her register hormones NON-Ovlon under the scheme or plan 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then 21 day on one tablet. As soon as she reaches one tablet (that is for the sixth day of reception) at it or her the bleeding (At reception 6, 5 bloods were not) He again in SKLIF again begins. Have returned again to the scheme or plan 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 (not having drunk up first "attempt") - but already up to two tablets and then 21 day on two... As soon as finishs drinking up to 2 h tabletok-at it or her again a bleeding and strong pains in an abdominal cavity and in a loin. She addresses to other doctors and in the diagnostic center - to her recommend again chistku-goes in SKLIF-to her refuse in chistke-direct or refer to the endocrinologist. Under the reference of friends she addresses to the doctor (DMN) in institute "... " To her do or make US. In zakljuchenii-mnozh. A hysteromyoma, an adenomyosis (if have correctly read through). predlodzhili three variants: 1 long treatment by hormones 2 excision of a uterus 3 injections "Zoladeks" in tech 3 months. She has chosen the third variant. Has made one ukol-now like better. The doctor has told or said, that in the extremity or end of summer will look at results... Please advise, than it cherevato... Whether it is treated? Or as a result to her all will peerly have to delete a uterus? Yes to all still the husband " has decided to be separately " - the reason - there are no children ((... Very much I hope on sovet-the person in despair. Thanks

Malanova T.B.
09.08.2004, 02:51
Perfectly appointed treatment. Consequences bad will not be. By the way, after a cancelling of hormonal therapy zoladeksom, pregnancy is possible.