Просмотр полной версии : Hello, uv. The doctor! At me the awful diagnosis the Polycystosis of ovaries and vto...

08.08.2004, 09:24
Hello, uv. The doctor!
At me the awful diagnosis the Polycystosis of ovaries and a secondary oligomenorrhea, after stimulation klostelbegitom an amenorrhea. Whether Mozhet-laporoskopicheskaja the resection of ovaries to make active or activate them? And I in 37 years can prolong a female youth and is possible or probable zaberemenit.
Whether Nuzhno-before operation to hand over analyses on sexual hormones? Operation can at me rannijj a climacterium, then to what. Whether and nado-to do or make US org. A small basin.
The menses is not present 2 years, in analyses high Testosteron-Depotum, reduced 6 months Diane-35, and after stimulirovvvala ovaries Kl-m. Please respond, I live in Denmark and hopes for their medicine any.

Kirsanov A.A.
09.08.2004, 02:04
Galina, begin with hormonal inspection. In your situation it is more preferable to spend medicamental treatment, than surgical. To Diana though and javjaletsja an antiandrogenic preparation, but not always copes with a high level of same Testosteron-Depotum. Application of glucocorticoid hormones (for example, Dexamethazonum) probably is required. On a background of these preparations it is necessary to stimulate body height of follicles, but only preference to give gonadotrophic preparations (Puregon, Gonal). It is obligatory to use chorionic Gonadotropinum for an induction of process of an ovulation and Progesteronum in the second phase. To spend all this treatment it is necessary under the control of US.