Просмотр полной версии : Here respond me to a question dear or expensive doctors gynecologists. All of you on fault tver...

06.08.2004, 10:52
Here respond me to a question dear or expensive doctors gynecologists. All of you on fault repeat, that contraceptive tablets it so abruptly and so fine. What is will be in time and all will be smooth and without pains. So why when you stop to drink hormonal tablets all failures and pains come back back. How you explain it?

06.08.2004, 18:20
" So why when you stop to drink hormonal tablets all failures and pains come back back. "

Because stop to drink hormonal tablets....
Nina, I think, that you not so distinctly or clearly imagine a short of a problem.
Dear doctors gynecologists knowingly repeat about these tablets. And correctly do or make!
Oral contraception can be put safely in one series with other revolutionary achievements in medicine. Whether you have an idea about a maternal mortality from medical abortions in Russia? And so, according to on 1997 she makes 25 26 % .eto terrible digit - each fourth maternal mors. The mortality from complications of abortions wins first place in the Russian Federation while in the developed countries she costs or stands dalekooooo on the last. Painfully to recognize, but it turns out, that the basic method of planning of family in Russia (the former Union) there is an abortion. I do not speak about not lethal complications (an infection, sterility or barrenness, perforations itd).
It as to the basic (contraceptive) function of oral contraceptives.
Really, besides contraception many of them it is wide izpolzujutsja for treatment various hormonal (basically functional) disturbances.
But the absolute medicine does not exist. All people react - to a miscellaneous to the same treatment.
In your case, I think, you should consult still time at the expert. He will analyse a situation and the adequate decision will make.

Pasenjuk A.M.
08.08.2004, 10:45
Because gomonalnye contraceptives render medical effect at their reception, but it does not mean, that after their cancelling all not vernetsja into place - by the way, this one more proof, that OK do not operate or work is irreversible.