Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please. What is "Ureaplasma" or something like it or this, not...

03.08.2004, 14:07
Prompt, please. What is "Ureaplasma" or something like it or this, I do not know a correct writing or spelling. Heard, what is it like the disease passed sexual by which can be picked up in a reservoir. At me 18 nednl pregnancy. It is not dangerous?

07.08.2004, 00:11
http: // www. mgido. ru/0920152317519. php (about a ureaplasmosis). More often at absence of attributes of an inflammation and the complications of the pregnancy connected with the given infection, observation is required only. Treatment is usually appointed or nominated after 20 oh weeks, sometimes even after 34 oh besides provided that there are no attributes of inflammatory process, and also signs of complication of pregnancy infections probably connected with presence. The ureaplasma can be found out and in healthy people. Success.

08.08.2004, 10:22
The ureaplasma is passed mainly sexual by. Probability of a becoming infected in a reservoir it is insignificant it is small, but usually it or her use to be justified before the partner. To treat it or her it is necessary, even if there is no inflammatory process, not earlier than 20 j week, but the later, the better (for the child). Otherwise there is a probability of a becoming infected of the child during sorts or labors.