Просмотр полной версии : Skilled or Experienced mummies, prompt. So-called training fights with what n...

05.08.2004, 15:23
Skilled or Experienced mummies, prompt. So-called training fights since what week they should pojavljatsja? How much time per day norm or rate? Whether Are accompanied by unpleasant sensations? Simply at me 25, it is shown as unpleasant sensations kamenenija the bottom of a stomach or belly, but last days it is enough often.

06.08.2004, 13:27
U menya nachilis s 16 17 nedele. Oschuschalis, kak kamennet matka i esli posmotret na zhivot, to napominala formu yaitsa. Potom postepenno rasslablyalas. Eto normalno. Inogda i ispytavala neskolko raz v den, a inogda ne zamechala. Edinstvennoe, ctho s uvelicheniem sroka matka pri takih shvatkah ili trenirovkah davit na drugie organy.

08.08.2004, 06:20
Svetlanas, and to you Noshpu or a papaverine registered? I think if to me diskomfortno from them also to the kid too, on an extreme measure the kid is less kicked, not so is active, than before display of these fights.