Просмотр полной версии : What inspection is necessary for the woman of 40 years at in charge of a semen of the donor in a uterus...

06.08.2004, 04:51
What inspection is necessary for the woman of 40 years at in charge of a semen of the donor in a uterus? Whether Zastrahovana she from all troubles (AIDS, veins. The diseases hereditary z-nija) in fact the donor could something conceal?

Kamenetskij B.A.
08.08.2004, 03:33
Inspection for the woman
- The general or common and special gynecologic inspection;
- Ultrasonic research of organs of a small basin;
- Definition of group of a blood and rezus-the factor;
- The clinical analysis of a blood, including time of coagulability (1 month is valid);
- The analysis of a blood on a lues, a HIV, hepatitises In and With (it is valid 3);
- Research on flora from a urethra both the cervical channel and a degree of cleanliness of a vagina;
- The conclusion of the therapist about a state of health and opportunities vynashivanija pregnancy.

Under indications:
- Research of a status of a uterus and uterine pipes (gisterosalpinogografija or gisterosalpingoskopija and a laparoscopy);
- A biopsy endometrija;
- Bacteriological research of a material izuretry and the cervical channel;
- The cytologic research of smears shejki uteruses;
- Analyses of a blood on FSG, LG, 2, Prl, T, the Hydrocortisone, P, 3, 4, TTG, STG;
- Inspection on presence antispermalnyh and antifosfolipidnyh
- Infectious inspection (a clamidiosis, uro-and a mycoplasmosis, a virus of simple herpes, a cytomegaly, a toxoplasmosis, a rubella);
- The conclusions of other experts under indications.
According to the order 67 MZ the Russian Federation At AI the donor semen admissible application only kriokonservirovannoj semens. It allows to spend numerous inspection of the donor of a semen before its or his material will be used.