Просмотр полной версии : Dear the doctor! At me kistozno-a glandular hyperplasia endometrija. 2001...

04.08.2004, 01:32
Dear the doctor! At me kistozno-a glandular hyperplasia endometrija. 2001 have made cleaning, now again disturbances what probability of a thickening of a layer endometrija, and whether I can become pregnant in general. To me 33 years, not given birth or not travailled.

05.08.2004, 09:04
Dear the doctor! At me kistozno-a glandular hyperplasia endometrija. 2001 have made cleaning, now again disturbances what probability of a thickening of a layer endometrija, and whether I can become pregnant in general. To me 33 years, not given birth or not travailled.

Soboleva L.I.
06.08.2004, 15:39
Hello! If you were treated by nothing, the thickening endometrija is possible or probable also. I think, that it is necessary to spend US, to specify the diagnosis. At correctly appointed or nominated treatment at you are high shansty on pregnancy.

08.08.2004, 02:08
At a glandular hyperplasia endometry offensive or approach of pregnancy is the extremely doubtful, you in fact should have an anovulatory cycle. Treatment is necessary.