Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor. At me the diagnosis - Syndrome Ashermana almost 10 t years about...

04.08.2004, 07:49
Hello, the Doctor. - Syndrome Ashermana almost 10 t years about I have learned or have found out the diagnosis from me one year ago, (is confirmed rentgenom + a hysteroscopy) as we began to plan the second child. Asherman at me it has turned out after the first sorts or labors, there was an endometritis + a currettage, as a result at me 2/3 uteruses or uterus in very rasping solderings on a roentgen are visible very massive education in the form of "island" in the middle of a cavity of the uterus. 5 months, back to me it has been spent rezektoskopija, but it has not been put to Naval Forces and therapy as the doctor during rezektoskopii could not steal up in koe-what departments of a uterus (all has not been appointed or nominated gormon-aja tell according to doctors). Was repeated GSG and pictures of the last completely correspond or meet to pictures up to rezektoskopii. As a result to me it has been appointed or nominated repeated rezektoskopija under the control laporoskopa
But I had a MYSTICISM, forgive or excuse, but differently I cannot tell or say I have become pregnant (!) on 5 j day of a delay with application farmateksa!.. Naturally, I did not plan pregnancy, as prepared for operation.. I wish to notice, that at me pregnancy did not come 8 years (before was extrauterine). I and doctors in a full bewilderment (to me so it seems). Whether to do or make to me chitsku or that to wait?.. Periodically is brown allocation the Fetus by results of US corresponds or meets to a duration of gestation. And here what question at me. Whether there are cases when pregnancy destroys or blasts (rassasyvaet) itself these solderings and healthy children are born, or an abortion on early term to us to not avoid? It is natural, that pregnancy very desired, can even too desired... What to me now to do or make?! Advise. Thanks.

Gorodetskaja M.D.
08.08.2004, 01:09
Certainly, it is necessary to try to bear or take out pregnancy! All is possible or probable.