Просмотр полной версии : Really the question on that of - for what depends change of forms of small sexual labiums...

06.08.2004, 03:08
Really the question on that of - for what depends change of forms of small sexual labiums, than that differs from others? I very much would like that I was responded by the expert instead of the fan or amateur. Very much I look forward to hearing.

Koblikov I.A.
06.08.2004, 09:27
Appearance of the woman is programmed by all previous generations. If in yours to a sort of the woman full, undersized, multigiven birth or multitravailled - that a variant one. If hudenkie, malorozhavshie, multihurted or multiill;multisick, astenizirovannye - that another.
The form of small sexual labiums is influenced considerably with pregnancy and age.

07.08.2004, 22:09
You know not one variant does not approach or suit. In mine to a sort there were normal women, not thick and not undersized, normal weight and normal body height. And I did not hear that from them someone very strongly hurted or was ill;was sick. To my mum did or made operation on female. But at it or her postnatal or puerperal sores.
And me 21 year Gd-that from 14 years began to notice changes and now and neznaju iz-for what. I do not have children, I did not give birth or travail and did not do or make abortion. A sexual life began to live in 17 years.