Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I had an erosion shejki uteruses, absolutely small, two years n...

07.08.2004, 06:15
I had an erosion shejki uteruses, absolutely small, two years ago. Then I was treated for infections (gardenerellez). Erosion has increased for all shejku uteruses. The doctor is going to prizhech nitrogen. How it is better to make - nitrogen or lazaerom? Also it is possible to do or make it while there is an infection (for two years she and is not has left).

Malanova T.B.
07.08.2004, 18:03
Cauterization of erosion (lechshe lazerokoaguljatsiej) should be spent after a biopsy shejki uteruses, at good smears on flora (these are usual smears).

07.08.2004, 22:07
On one site I have read through, that for not given birth or not travailled girls the best way of cauterization of erosion - kriodistruktsija. Whether So it?