Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is possible to prevent pregnancy (first) with a negative rhesus of a blood...

06.08.2004, 09:40
Whether it is possible to prevent pregnancy (first) with a negative rhesus of a blood, II group. I heard there can be greater or big complications

06.08.2004, 12:53
Me the same rhesus and too I wish to ask: than abortions, what probability of complications (and what) threaten in this case? If it is possible more in detail?

Pasenjuk A.M.
07.08.2004, 16:12
Certainly, it is not possible, it is necessary - use a condom, or contraceptives. Abortion threatens at a rhesus of a negative blood with development or manufacture of antibodies that will bring to ruin an embryos at the subsequent beremennostjah. Can byti usual complications of abortion - sterility or barrenness, inflammatory zabolevnaija, dysfunction of ovaries