Просмотр полной версии : To the regret has found out, as doctor KIRSANOV And. not in Moscow prin...

06.08.2004, 22:02
To the regret has found out, as doctor KIRSANOV And. not in Moscow accepts. Very much to you it is grateful, the dear doctor for the sincere answer! Good luck! Probably vse-taki I shall agree on a laparoscopy?! I at all am not afraid, already, poverte all agree. Simply it is not assured, that business in adherent or adhesive process. As opinion of doctors so cardinally miss?!

Shtyrov S.V.
07.08.2004, 13:49
I shall try or taste answer your questions on ph. 095 763 01 22. Shtyrov Sergey Vjacheslavovich. Moscow. 31 GKB