Просмотр полной версии : Kind to you time of day! pomgite, prompt... After a menses, which...

Olga To.
06.08.2004, 02:54
Kind to you time of day!
pomgite, prompt... After a menses which has begun under the schedule, gdeto in a week at me began to ache a bit a little a breast and to pull a bottom of a stomach or belly.. I do not understand, whether there can be I beremenoj??? Last communication or connection with the man was for a week up to mentsruatsii...

07.08.2004, 10:34
It is improbable, but to exclude probability completely it is impossible with t. z. Medicine. At you one output or exit - to wait the following monthly. Before pregnancy even at its or her presence will not show any test. And to similar sensations there are also other reasons if do not stop - visit or attend the doctor after next monthly.