Просмотр полной версии : Advise, please. Monthly have stopped three months ago. In the mornings...

02.08.2004, 06:10
Advise, please. Monthly have stopped three months ago.
In the mornings a strong cold fit. There is a feeling of strong fever - the face burns.
pochemu-that is not present forces, coldly. And always it would be desirable to sleep.
To me of 39 years. Such statuses repeat pereodicheski. In the summer usually monthly appear.
Estrogen low (the doctor has told or said. Handed over analyses).
Whether Mozhno-something to have a drink, as at men vegeto-a vascular dystonia and she has now become aggravated. The head is constantly turned. And nervous I very much became.

Malanova T.B.
05.08.2004, 02:49
You should be observed at ginekologa-the endocrinologist.

Lena (20 years)
05.08.2004, 20:57
Zdrastvujte. I accepted contraceptive tablets in current of 1 year. Has decided to stop. After the termination or discontinuance already it is more 2 than months there is no menses. I precisely am not pregnant (was checked up).
I live in other country. When the vein in Russia, genikolog very much did not advise me to accept contraceptive because my ovaries badly work (for me there was a cycle in 6 weeks). Then I have moved to other country here again the doctor have registered to me these tablets even without survey (therefore I now do not trust local doctors).
Voobshchem, the question consists what to me to do or make? To wait? Or it is necessary to visit or attend genikologa.
All this time at me pereodicheski as though pulls in a bottom of a stomach or belly... As though vot-here will begin... But so anything also is not present..

Malanova T.B.
07.08.2004, 07:03
The menses can independently come through very long interval. So it is better to appear on reception. Make US.