Просмотр полной версии : Whether the truth that it is impossible to eat grapes during pregnancy...

The anonym
04.08.2004, 00:30
Whether the truth that it is impossible to eat grapes during pregnancy

04.08.2004, 12:18
Who to you it has told or said? What for bosh? I am pregnant and I eat all fruit and vegetables, in that chisln and grapes. And not one I such. Do not listen to any nonsense.

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.08.2004, 03:46
Eat on health.

07.08.2004, 06:02
Grapes during pregnancy it is valid not rekomenduesja (but only in case of threat of an abortion, t to he can zabrodit in an intestine and, accordingly, an intestine will put unnecessary pressure upon a uterus) So has explained to me my doctor when I laid in hospital on conservation In a word, it not lethally, but it is better to not overeat some grapes