Просмотр полной версии : Hello, uv. Tatyana Borisovna, pregnancy of 26 weeks, have found out ure...

30.07.2004, 13:29
Hello, uv. Tatyana Borisovna, pregnancy of 26 weeks, have found out a ureaplasma the doctor has registered to me: Vilperofen 1 h 3 - 10., pimafutsin-11 h 4-10., suppositories terzhinan; to the husband: azitral 4 h 1 3, mikomaks - 1 time, Klionum 2 h 2 - 5, ointment betadin. Whether As on yours to opinion treatment is correctly registered? Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
02.08.2004, 17:00
At you bad smears? You have complaints on bleach? Or the ureaplasma is revealed only at PTSR to diagnostics???

05.08.2004, 13:35
Uv. Tatyana Borisovna, I at all do not know, all that I have made it have handed over a smear on presence of an infection in ZHK, t. To. It is necessary at statement on the account. Here they also have found out a ureaplasma and gardnerellu. Allocation at me now happen often. The general or common smear have told or said too not so. You understand they there, I have in the form of regional ZHK, longly do not talk also explain nothing.

Malanova T.B.
07.08.2004, 05:11
Bacterial vaginosis mestno to treat it is necessary, after it go to hand over control smears. If all will be normal, a ureaplasma to treat it is not necessary.