Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte. To me 39 years, at uzi have diagnosed me: on a forward wall...

06.08.2004, 01:18
Zdrastvujte. To me 39 years, at uzi have diagnosed me: on a forward wall the subserous site - diameter 31. In current of three months accepted tablets "Norkulut", further in current of three months received "Oksiprogesteron" in injections. The last uzi: the sizes of a uterus 715478. The site in diameter 37. I ask you to consult this illness or disease.

07.08.2004, 00:55
Ia by ostavila miomu v pokoe - ona u vas malenkaia i pochti ne rastet. Esli u vas net simptomov (sboi menstruacii, boli) - povtorite Usi cherez god