Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me 24 weeks of pregnancy. A varicose phlebectasia. ZHa...

05.08.2004, 16:55
At me 24 weeks of pregnancy. A varicose phlebectasia. Complaints voobshchem-that are not present. Dopler good. Was on US. The conclusion - parameters of the child correspond or meet to term of 24 weeks. A placenta of 1 2 degrees of a maturity. The doctor has told or said, that sometimes so happens, but just in case to have a drink aktovegin. And I gde-read that, that excess of a calcium can lead to ageing of a placenta. Just I notice, that I at all do not like to chew this meloobraznyj a calcium 3 nikomed. In this connection tell or say, please:
1. A placenta of 1 2 degrees on term of 24 weeks this deviation or rejection from norm or rate?
2. Whether really excess of a calcium causes ageing a placenta.
3. Whether it is necessary for me to drink aktovegin, t. To. I do not understand the formulation of the doctor "just in case". I try to not drink a medicine. I drink only jodomorin and a calcium.

06.08.2004, 13:28
I go on courses on preparation for sorts or labors, and at the last lecture on a delivery to us have told or said, that it is impossible to accept preparations of a calcium simply so without indications and without displays of its or his disadvantage of an organism, and it is not necessary to try to stuff myself with products which contain a calcium much. Read much, that especially it is impossible it or him is last 2 months before sorts or labors. About ageing a placenta I do not know, and here that, what is it leads to too strong induration of a head of the child, that accordingly leads to complex or difficult sorts or labors and birth trauma, and also to early closing a fontanel at the child after a birth, it to us spoke...

06.08.2004, 20:39
Yes the degree of a maturity of a placenta is more, than would be desirable on your term. Aktovegin have a drink or prick (the truth he morbid enough), he is shown to you actually.