Просмотр полной версии : Podskazhite, pozhaluista, kogda i komu luchshe pokupat odezhdu dlya malysha...

11.07.2004, 04:20
Podskazhite, pozhaluista, kogda i komu luchshe pokupat odezhdu dlya malysha, krovatku i kolyasku? I odna, roditelei u menya net. Beremennost 17 nedel, hozu uzhe i prismatrivau odezhdu dlya malysha. I voobshe otkuda takoi predrassudok na schet etogo. Zaranee spasibo.

13.07.2004, 08:17
I can help or assist:), I adore everything, that svzano with children and pregnant women!
And how old are you?

15.07.2004, 12:08
Mne 30 let, esli moi vozrast svyazan s voprosom

16.07.2004, 19:41
Yes is not present, simply interestingly.
Usually recommend to buy all accessories or belongings to the child to the extremity or end of pregnancy (32 35) from such reasons, whether a little that can occur or happen... An abortion or accident... (I do not wish to frighten), a sign such

19.07.2004, 21:50
Many are afraid to buy, t. To. If something happens, then bought or purchased things will remind of not born kid...

20.07.2004, 06:39
Girls, we not in the Stone Age live. There are, certainly, any cases, but it not an occasion to fall down on relatives all purchases. And your grandmothers started all to prepare still from the very beginning (t. To. In shops nothing was and it was necessary to be content with that will make own arms or hand - will connect, will embroider). And then also the medicine was on a low level. I for the first bought gde-that from 25 weeks. So when leaved for a maternity home - the room for the kid was completely ready. Now too I am engaged pokupakmi. In a week should krovatku put already, we wait when the liked model will bring. All rest has already bought or purchased. So prepare, in fact and the mood as raises or increases, when choose that is pleasant, instead of come on ready.

22.07.2004, 10:22
I tozhe, tak dumau, no prosto so vseh storon eti sovety. Mne dazhe tak stanovitsya legche, kogda sama smotru na detskie veshi. Seichas pravda staraus sekonomit budzhet, chtoby potom kupit na pervoe vremya - hsapochki, polsunpochki, pelenochki i t. d. Vse takoe miloe. Malysh ved chuvstvuet eto. Vot koftochku sobiraus svyazat.

25.07.2004, 19:21
During pregnancy it is impossible to knit, eat a sign, that the cord or navel around shejki will be fastened

29.07.2004, 18:21
Ekaterina, wished to respond you, that our grandmothers very easily concerned to a children's mortality and did not plan children as now, they considered or counted " the God has given, the God has taken ". Were engaged, excuse, as sex and considered or counted, that the God has given

31.07.2004, 19:33
Devochki, da vse ved horosho, a budet eshe luchshe, kogda malysh roditsya.

03.08.2004, 21:55
And thanks God, I wish you and your kid of all of the best on light that with you there was all by way of!!!

06.08.2004, 19:50
Tanja, but in fact it provided that at grandmothers was on ten children. Therefore also judgements are those.