Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At me erosion shejki uteruses and after inspection have found U...

05.08.2004, 04:38
Hello the doctor! At me erosion shejki uteruses and after inspection have found Ureaplasma urealyticum. Speak, that this infection and became the reason of erosion. In this connection I had questions:
What is this an infection? On what she influences? Whether she Is passed the child during pregnancy? I Am afraid, that my child already was born with her. To what doctor of its or his message? How to treat the child? Tell or say, please, where it is possible to read through about this infection?
If erosion small (as doctors speak), what is the time it or she can be not cauterized? I shortly want the second child.
You consider or count what methods of cauterization of erosion by the most effective and sparing?
If it is a lot of questions, give the link where it is possible prohonour.
Thankful in advance,

Soboleva L.I.
06.08.2004, 19:08
Hello! If to speak about erosion shejki uteruses - the most sparing method - application of preparation Solkovagin. In occasion of a ureaplasma descend or go on e www. chlamidioz. ru there there is an information interesting you.