Просмотр полной версии : Ten years ago after nyxes of antibiotics the thrush has begun. I tried l...

03.08.2004, 16:29
Ten years ago after nyxes of antibiotics the thrush has begun. I tried to treat it or her, but unsuccessfully.
1.10 days levorinovaja ointment 2 times day and 2 times in day of syringing with soda. The boring has decreased, but allocation have not passed or have not taken place.
2. A tablet forkana and five days livarol. Unsuccessfully, there is a burning sensation, there is also an allocation.
3. Pimafutsin tried or tasted earlier. Without result.
From here 2 questions:
1. How to be treated? Advise, please, methods from your practice which were effective.
I very much would like to recover, as she delivers troubles.

Malanova T.B.
06.08.2004, 11:50
The first, that it is necessary to make - crop of contents vlaalishcha on mushrooms and definition of their sensitivity to antimicotic preparations. 2. I appoint or nominate treatment internally.