Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Pregnancy of 16 weeks on last visit to the doctor has found out...

02.08.2004, 13:18
Hello. Pregnancy of 16 weeks on last visit to the doctor it was found out, that the weight at me has decreased almost on 2 kg that has terribly alarmed my doctor. How much or As far as it is dangerous? I feel normally, the toxicosis is not present.

The anonym
03.08.2004, 23:54
Urgently make US

Pasenjuk A.M.
04.08.2004, 16:58
Danger in that there can be a latent toxicosis (1) that will lead to an oligotrophy and destruction of a fetus. It is necessary to make US + the analysis wet on ketonovye bodies

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.08.2004, 09:50
Danger in that there can be a latent toxicosis (1) that will lead to an oligotrophy and destruction of a fetus. It is necessary to make US + the analysis wet on ketonovye bodies

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.08.2004, 17:44
Danger in that there can be a latent toxicosis (1) that will lead to an oligotrophy and destruction of a fetus. It is necessary to make US + the analysis wet on ketonovye bodies

06.08.2004, 08:06
Vshch time of pregnancy I grow thin. With the first child I went to give birth or travail and weighed less than in general up to pregnancy. The daughter was born normal and now to her 4, 5 years. At today's pregnancy I again grow thin. I think that each separate organism on the reacts to pregnancy