Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Already almost 6 years I apply OK (the doctor advised). In the last we say lies...

25.07.2004, 08:12
Hello! Already almost 6 years I apply OK (the doctor advised). Recently accepted Logest, about 4 months ago has passed on ZHanin. Has now made put 7 mi dnevnyj a break - but already 6 those day, and monthly is not present (usually happen on 3 ty). .t. To to the doctor I can get only next week - has bought or purchased the test for pregnancy - negatively. What is it can be? Why? Also what now to do or make? Thanks.

Marina G.
28.07.2004, 23:56
Zhanna, ja tozhe prinimaju Zhanin, i u menia bila takaja zhe situacija - mesiachnih pochti chto i ne bilo, no i beremennosti tozhe. Ne perezhivajte, povovov dlia volnenija net.

30.07.2004, 23:50
Marina - thanks for the response! And you at the doctor were? Than it is caused or called? With me for 6 years of reception OK such for the first time.. Was frightened outright.. Now will have OK to cancel? And I already so have got used.. Very conveniently.

Artamonova G.V.
02.08.2004, 18:08
Jeanne before will go to the doctor, do not start to accept a preparation again (after a break).

06.08.2004, 06:07
Mne skazali, chto eto sviazano s tem, chto dannaja doza gormonov dlia menia velika, chto sleduet pereiti na dr. OK. Kstati, kogda ja prinimala Logest, takih pobochnih effektov u menia ne bilo.