Просмотр полной версии : Condylomas are found out in me. But except for that I suffer limfogranolematozom (5...

04.08.2004, 09:11
Condylomas are found out in me. But except for that I suffer limfogranolematozom (5 years in a stage of remission). What preparations can be applied to treatment? (doctors recommend the intravenous laser).
What variants can be?

Savchenko A.A.
05.08.2004, 11:49
In my opinion the most effective method of treatment of condylomas in general, and in particular in your case, is the laser destruction.

05.08.2004, 18:29
Whether and it is necessary to delete them at once? (they me in any way bespojat) also have found out them casually. Or it is possible all over again poprobyvat to treat?

Savchenko A.A.
06.08.2004, 04:30
The laser destruction is and there is a treatment. You should address to the gynecologist, to exclude other pathology and to spend treatment. Eventually it and cosmetic deffekt.