Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, the doctor. Help or assist me please with consultation. I at all zna...

04.08.2004, 23:11
Zdrastvujte, the doctor. Help or assist me please with consultation. I at all do not know what the diagnosis at me
All has begun with the last year March. I have sat down on a diet began to drink tea - grow thin in a week at me has opened krovotechechenie from an anus. Could not stop a blood did or made Haemodesum and Vicasolum. Then me other reasons for excitements failures monthly have begun began to be late.
In it or this to year has addressed to the gynecologist have checked up at me ovulljatsija occurs or happens too late almost before monthly. A follicle rostyot up to 31 32. endometrija 10. Did or made Pregnylum on 10000.
2 times for 13 day, and for 15 day. After the second nyxis he at me has bursted. But beremenost has not come or stepped. Now I am flied or treated at other doctor she to me does or makes any wads and antibiotics I am flied or treated at it or her from 06.08.03 and any promotions and on the contrary at me purulent discharges I neznaju that at me and she of anything to me negovorit have begun. Speaks at me a strong inflammation on shejki uteruses a lot of pus and an intestine not by way of it is necessary to do or make a clyster prochishchajushchiju but only then to pour in in an intestine some kinds of ointments from pus and for rasassyvanija
What is it all influences a uterus zaeto pus does not cease to go. It is necessary to treat from two parties or sides.
Help or Assist please answer my question and tell or say to me my diagnosis

Malanova T.B.
06.08.2004, 00:59
You very strange treat. Go to the big Center.