Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please, the doctor, that most approaches or suits for contraception zhenshchi...

04.08.2004, 04:24
Prompt please, the doctor, what most approaches or suits for contraception to the woman who has given birth 9 months ago? To the gynecologist to go there is no time - has already come to work. In what importance of discussion of a contraceptive with the gynecologist?
P. S. Labors have passed or have taken place normally, but manual inspection of a uterus has been made.

Maljarskaja M.M.
05.08.2004, 18:29
Importance: survey, US a status of coagulating system, veins and biohimiii bloods (lipids), the hormonal status. Body height, weight. On the basis of these features the preparation gets out