Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Please, share experience and kind advice or council how to struggle...

31.07.2004, 16:08
Good afternoon!
Please, share experience and kind advice or council how to struggle with gases and constipations (initially intestine inactive, a beet, yogurt, fresh cucumbers - do not help or assist him). To us 17 nedelek, yesterday was at the doctor, she speaks " intestines have bulked up from gases ", is dared or laughs, and to us is unhumorous! Very discomfortable sensations. In advance all many thanks!

01.08.2004, 19:07
U menya takaya zhe problema s samogo nachala. Seichas na 25 nedele. I kushat stala ponemnogu. I kstati bystro naedaus. Tem bolee seichas nachalos davlenie na diafragmu i dyshat tyazhelovato, a esche gazy. Voobsche eto schitaetsya normalnym yavleniem u beremennyh. No takoi diskomfort ne nuzhen. I probovala mnogo vsego est, no pomogaet malenkie portsii - i em 4 5 raz - eto nebolzhye buterbrody, nemnogo risa s kuritsei i t. p. Na noch ne em. Nelzya kuzhat kapustu, mnogo pomidor. Yabloki horosho v pervoi polovine dnya. Uzhin v 17 .1800. Est medikamentoznye sredstva, no mne ne vypisyvali.

05.08.2004, 05:42
Maria, to me very much pomagaet " Aktivia with cereals ". Before it or this saw Djufalak, - to mine. There are 200 roubles - to sense any was not. And Aktiviju began to drink instead of a supper (very nourishingly), it is tasty or delicious, I do not recover and with an intestine there are no problems. - try or taste, can also to you will help or assist!

05.08.2004, 17:08
The namesake, suppositories with Glycerinum it is possible for pregnant women, descend or go in a toilet in 10 minutes, not slabjat. From gases - espumezan or two tab. Coal. Success.